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Application of gabion revetment in the cage 

1 project overview

Wentang town flood control project is located in the territory of the hot water Wentang Town Riverin the upper reach of landform types, is a hilly valley topography, northeast, South River high, from south to North direction. According to the hot water River Township roughly and lining Riverdistribution, the Wentang town surrounded by mountains. Pseudo river regulation length 5.035 km,engineering protection area of 10.2 km2, 7700 353hm2 population, farmland protection. Channelwidth of 15 ~30m, the current situation of cross-strait only about 1 km river with flood control facilities, and most of the problems of quality, no other river flood control facilities, the basic naturalriver; river silting serious, flood discharge not free. The construction project: River governance, hot water new flood control facilities and present situation of flood control facilities reinforcementengineering. The project adopts gabion revetment of river bank slope protection cage.
Characteristics of the 2 stone cage cage
The stone cage net cage is a metal wire woven angular network (six angle network) made of net cage, the use of metal diameter based on the size of hexagonal and. If the metal wire metal coating is hexagonal, use the line diameter of 2.0mm to 4.0mm metal wire. If it is six angle network PVC metal wire coated woven, use the outside diameter is 3 mm to 4.5 mm PVC (metal) line. The edge of the box is used to line than the six angle line number one line. Stone cage net is using the twisted pair will mesh line tied together to form, so even if the one or two line is broken, can not be solved,will not fall apart.
The stone cage cage construction simple, economy, do not need special technology. Only thestone into the cage and sealing. Has the very strong resist natural damage and corrosion resistance and resistance to bad weather ability. Can withstand large range of deformation, but still the collapse. The gap between the cage Stone mud to plant growth, com. can with the surrounding natural environment. Has good permeability, can prevent the damage caused by the fluid static.Save the transportation cost, can be folded and transportation, assembly on site.

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