The types of steel fiber

The steel fiber history is not long, but wide application, and meanwhile, the types of steel fiber is more and more

1.   Divided by shape:
 straight cutted steel fiber(a), xorex steel fiber(b),round waved steel fiber(c),hook ends steel fiber(d and e),flat head steel fiber(f),double-pointed head steel fiber(g),glued steel fiber(h).

2.   Devided by section shape
Round(a),  rectangle(b), groove profile(c), irregular shapes(d)

3.   Divided by production craft
Cutting-type steel fiber( the material is round steel wire)
Shearing-type steel fiber( the material is steel plate)
Milling-type steel fiber(the material is thick steel plate and steel ingot)
Melt-extract type steel fiber(Molten steel pumping system)
4.   Divided by material:
Carbon steel wire or plate( the tensile strength between300~2500MPa);
Stainless steel (304,310,330,430,446 and so on)
Other metal fiber(aluminum fiber, copper fiber, titanium fiber and alloyed fiber)

5.   Divided by surface coating
Non coating, Epoxy,zinc-plated, the non-coating is the most widely applied in industry.
6.   Divided by construction technology
Jetting, pouring

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